
Keeping white dental cases

How to keep the white covers dental. Veneers and dental crowns are usually made from porcelain and sometimes molten metal to make them more durable. Those used on the front, not contain metal so that they are more attractive. While its color, does not change, you can stain with food, beverages or use snuff. Keep white can be done with little effort. Read on to learn how to keep your white dental crowns.

Instructions :

  1. Stop smoking.
  2. Drink white wine instead of red wine.
  3. Use milk with your coffee.
  4. Avoid red fruit juices like cranberry juice or red grape.
  5. Brush teeth with a slightly abrasive paste to remove stains that have formed in the dental caps.
  6. Take care of the tooth beneath the sheath. If you have cavities or root dies, the spots may be seen through the case. In addition to brushing, flossing passes between the teeth and use a fluoride rinse.
  7. Avoid tooth whitening treatments. These only work on real teeth, the covers must be replaced with new ones if the color is unsatisfactory. People who decide to whiten teeth often find that the color of the crowns no longer combined with the rest of the teeth.

Tips & Warnings :

  • If you have veneers on teeth whiten possible when you do the treatment on your teeth. The product works on the tooth that lies at the bottom and translucent veneers allow the lighter color is noticed.
  • Never pass the floss around a sleeve moving up and down. This can take the crown. Instead, the thread passes horizontally between the teeth.

How to whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide

Whiten teeth with a professional can be expensive and time consuming. You can avoid the hassle and expense if you whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide in your home.

Instructions :

  1. Brush your teeth regularly with a paste dental containing hydrogen peroxide. Many whitening toothpastes offer a version of the original toothpaste, so you can still use your favorite toothpaste whiten your teeth while at the same time.
  2. Prepare your own toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide. An old and trusted whitening teeth with hydrogen peroxide way is to make your own toothpaste, mixing hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to make a paste. Brush your teeth with paste of baking soda and peroxide and rinse mouth thoroughly. Be careful not to swallow any of the pasta.
  3. Use whitening strips or gel containing hydrogen peroxide. You can buy teeth whitening kits that use hydrogen peroxide as the main ingredient to whiten your teeth without a prescription. In general, you put a strip on the teeth or will fill a mold with a solution of hydrogen peroxide gel on your teeth that you hold for a period of time. These methods can be uncomfortable for a while, but if they work, may be worth.

How to whiten teeth at home

The whitening dental does not always require an expensive trip to your local dentist. If your teeth are in good general health status, you could use some brightening, more practical and less expensive alternative to whiten teeth with just a few household chemicals, food seasonings and fruit peels.

Instructions :

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide bleaching

  1. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are common household products that can be used to whiten teeth. Add a small amount of the solution of hydrogen peroxide powder baking soda to create a paste-like consistency.
  2. Paste this substance in your toothbrush and gently brush your teeth on all sides by the amount and the number of times you normally brush every day.
  3. If you prefer, you can substitute the hydrogen peroxide with water to create a paste or use baking soda alone, applying it directly on the slightly damp toothbrush and brushing your teeth as you normally do every day.
  4. For bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, gargle with a small amount of the solution in the mouth for a minute after brushing your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water afterwards.

Teeth whitening food :

  1. Rub your teeth with white interior of a lemon peel. To add whitening effects, add a pinch of table salt to the skin before rubbing it on your teeth.
  2. Alternatively, mix a small amount of table salt with lemon juice to create a paste-like consistency. Apply a thin layer of this substance in your toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally do every day.
  3. For whitening orange peel, ground bay leaves and dried orange peel together. Brush your teeth with the resultant powder, and very little water.
  4. Rub your teeth every day with strawberries or brush with apple cider vinegar. Both are safe and effective ways to whiten teeth.
  5. Mix 1 cup water with 1/2 tsp. rock salt. Gargle every night with this solution for prevention and healing effects on your dental health.

Other home teeth whitening solutions :

  1. Wood ash applied directly to the teeth with the toothbrush or mix it with some of your toothpaste. Small pieces of wood ash that rub on your teeth contain potassium hydroxide, a bleach compound.
  2. Forte walnut tree bark directly on the teeth to remove all kinds of stains and yellowed layers.
  3. Some of your regular toothpaste mixed with small traces of sodium, hydrogen peroxide and baking table salt can also be used to remove stains.

Tips & Warnings :

  • Adhere to teeth whitening trays and strips with the highest content of hydrogen peroxide in choosing among the many home teeth whitening kits available at various stores.
  • Be careful not to drink anything hydrogen peroxide while brushing teeth or gargling do with it. If swallowed by accident, immediately drink 2 to 3 cups of water to dilute the acidity of the solution.
  • Be sure to check with your dentist your mouth is in good health before trying any of these home remedies.
  • Any inflammation of the gums or bleeding in the mouth is a sign of excessive use of salt and processes for home teeth whitening should stop immediately.
  • People with cold-sensitive teeth, crowns or fillings in front teeth, or whose enamel seems grayer than yellow should not whiten your teeth at home and should consult a dentist.

How to whiten dental caps

Whiteners dental use hydrogen peroxide to remove embedded in microscopic cracks found on the surface of the particles teeth. When these stains are removed, your teeth look whiter. The cases and crowns are made from porcelain and have those cracks in which are deposited the remains of food and stains are formed.

This is why you cannot whiten crowns or caps. If you are thinking of using bleach on your teeth, you should do before your dentist will place the case or the crown. If your teeth become yellowed with time, you can whiten to match the color of your crown or case. What can also help you look whiter teeth it is to replace the cover, use herbal whiteners and use makeup tricks.

Instructions :

  1. Keep it real. It is not effective to try to whiten your caps or crowns. Bleaches only remove embedded stains on tooth enamel. Crowns and covers are made of porcelain and will not discolor in the same way as do the permanent teeth.
  2. Whiten your teeth before placing the cover or the crown. Once you have the color you want, the dentist will combine the crown or cover with your newly whitened teeth. Since the teeth becomes yellowish over time, you can use bleach to return the original color and intone your crown or case.
  3. Use bleach according to the instructions on the package; usually they are used once per day for 30 minutes. Many people like the convenience of whitening strips, but another option may be to place a bleaching solution plates molded specifically to fit your mouth. Of these two alternatives, the tapes are less noticeable and the process is less complicated, but both can be bought without a prescription. Your dentist can also whiten your teeth, but this service is expensive.
  4. Ask your dentist a cover replacement, if you’ve used for a long time and I do not like the color.
  5. Put color to your gums. To make your teeth look whiter without using a bleaching product, you can apply a very small amount of red on your gums for food coloring, using a soft brush. This trick, according to makeup artist Andrea Claire, will give your gums a healthy red color and will not stain your teeth.
  6. Much as you can, avoid foods that stain your teeth like dark soda, punch, wine, coffee or tea. If you must eat coffee or tea, you can use toothpaste or mouthwash to counteract the staining process.
  7. Avoid eating products derived from snuff. Smoking and chewing snuff are not only harmful to your overall health, but also dirty and stained teeth.
  8. Try brushing your teeth with baking soda. Many toothpastes include it in their formula because it helps remove stains, but you can also use baking soda you have in your cupboard. You simply place some of this product on the palm of your hand and mix it with one or two drops of water to form a paste; then apply it to your brush and clean your teeth, as you would with a conventional dentifrice.
  9. Brush your teeth with toothpaste herbal. Indian Ayurveda medicine recommends Mistake toothpaste containing or Salvadoran Persia, a plant commonly known as “toothbrush tree”. You can purchase this paste over the Internet or in a specialized trade.
  10. Use garlic oil, turmeric, salvia strawberries or steps, or mustard oil separately or combined. Some persona recommend mixing mustard oil and turmeric with salt, and then use the mixture as toothpaste; others have succeeded brushing your teeth with strawberries footsteps.
  11. After brushing, gargle and rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide bleach or some mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent sometimes included in mouthwashes.
  12. The tanning of the skin, whether you get naturally or using a tanning bed, can create the illusion that your teeth are whiter. You just make sure that your tan looks natural.
  13. Use lipstick or gloss with a blue base, as they can be pink or red tones.

How to treat sore gums

Sore gums can cause eating is painful and can complicate your regimen of care oral daily. Many factors can contribute to sore gums, including inadequate oral care, consuming large amounts of food hard, and smoking. As not treat sore gums can lead to additional problems, including receding gums and loss of teeth, it is important to combat pain in time.

Instructions :

  1. Change your routine cleaning. Maintaining a healthy oral care routine is essential to prevent plaque and treat sore gums. Although brushing and flossing every day is recommended, brushing and flossing too hard can contribute to sore gums. Switch to a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid further damaging them. Keep brushing sessions under three minutes, being careful not to apply too much pressure on sore gums?
  2. Use herbal tea. Prepare a cup of green tea to create a soothing mouth rinse. Rinse your mouth with tea several times to lubricate the teeth and gums. Green tea contains antioxidants that help fight against bacteria and plaque buildup. Use this rinse after every meal to help remove bacteria and food particles. Avoid using bottled green tea to treat sore gums, the amount of sugar in these products.
  3. Keep your gums lubricated to help relieve pain. Rinse with cold water after every meal to remove food particles and keep moist gums. It takes at least six glasses of water daily to stay hydrated properly. Applying small amounts of aloe Vera gel to keep moisture locked.
  4. Try a medicated mouthwash. Rinse mouth with your mouthwash helps eliminate bacteria and relieve sore gums. Mouthwashes Nonprescription often contain Doniphan bromidic or cattily iridium chloride, which kill bacteria and help prevent gingivitis. Mouthwashes containing cloth examine prescription and are often prescribed to treat sore gums and to prevent further infection. Be careful when using medicated rinses, as overuse can destroy your “good” oral bacteria.
  5. Make changes in your diet to treat sore gums. Consider eating a bland diet until the lower gum pain. Although foods like apples and carrots are healthy, chew with sore gums can lead to more irritation and swelling. Avoid spicy or sugary foods to help alleviate your gums sooner.

Tips & Warnings :

  • Floss carefully as excessive force may cause bleeding and sore gums.
  • Neglecting sore gums can lead to advanced gum disease and tooth loss.

How to tell if a blood clot formed after tooth extraction

Blood clots are important in the healing process extractions dental. The loss of any clot after the procedure dental can lead to a “dry socket”, which can infect the area after extraction. If a clot is not formed or is evicted can damage or prolong the healing process.

A dentist should be contacted immediately if this occurs. Blood clots can break off during the first 24 hours after extraction with vigorous rinsing or spitting. The suction from a straw or smoking may also dislodge a clot. Hot liquids like coffee or soup, can dissolve the clot.

Instructions :

  1. Keep the gauze on the extraction site firmly applying pressure for about an hour? The dentist will usually give you gauze after extraction. You’ll leave the office with gauze in the mouth over the treated area.
  2. Remove the gauze carefully to see if the bleeding has stopped.
  3. Apply some more gauze to control bleeding during the first 24 hours. A moistened tea bag is an effective substitute for gauze and even helps in the formation of coagulation due to tannic acid in the tea. If bleeding persists after 24 hours, consult your dentist.
  4. When the clot starts to form a substance notice dark red as a film on extraction. It may even seem like a soft piece of chocolate.
  5. Beware of the area and only plays if the clot is difficult to see, depending on where the extraction is found. A dental mirror can help in this process. You should only have to touch the point briefly, but not at all if you can see the dark clot.
  6. Instead of brushing, rinse lightly with a mixture of salt and water for the next few days.

How to straighten teeth

The teeth crooked and misaligned can affect a person’s self – esteem, preventing smile. Fortunately, recent advances in dentistry have made modern day easier straighten teeth. Here’s how to straighten your teeth

Instructions :

  1. Traditional braces can be costly and take in doing their work. However, they are those that offer the best results when it comes to align teeth and correct overbites. These devices also allow you to preserve your teeth natural.
  2. Invisible orthodontic appliances offer another alternative for straightening teeth without wires and brakes that require standard equipment. These convenient plastic and clear braces straighten teeth pressing them together. Although these devices straighten teeth, not straighten an overbite. The cost is about the same as the traditional braces.
  3. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces, except that are set to the back of the teeth so that they are not visible from the front. These devices are expensive and can be painful to use. The biggest advantage is that they can straighten teeth without anyone noticing.
  4. Porcelain veneers offer a more instant option to straightening teeth. a layer or cover personalized porcelain is made to fit the shape and color of your natural teeth. Although this method does not really straightens your teeth, the end result gives the appearance of your teeth look straight. Although the procedure can be expensive, your dentist will fill the gaps, completing the process in just two or three visits.

Tips & Warnings :

  • Invisible orthodontic appliances are usually offered as an option only for adults as it is difficult to properly fit children and adolescents when their bones are still growing.
  • Porcelain veneers require preparing your dentist, which may include eliminating some of the structure of the teeth.

How to repair the holes caused by the recession of the gums

Gum recession is a natural when you get older but its severity depends on many factors. Someone with an advanced and destructive periodontal gum disease are more likely to have gaps much larger as a result of bone loss. There may also be a recession of the gums due to improper use and too vigorous the brush of teeth, gums and pushing exposes the cement dental, tooth layer just below the gum line. There are two specific cosmetic treatments to make the recession look better, but they must be performed by a dentist who has access to a dental laboratory.

Instructions :

Crowns to reduce the appearance of recession

  1. Asks an appointment with your family dentist. When you get to the appointment, the dentist may require panoramic radiographs of your mouth, or FMX, to control the level of the bone. A tooth that has very little bone due to some periodontal or gum disease is not a good candidate for crowns.
  2. Discuss your treatment plan with your dentist. In many cases of periodontal disease, the first step is a gingivectomy. Basically, this involves removing the gum has no bone supporting it. Schedule a second appointment for crowns, if not need to do anything to prepare for them.
  3. Returns to the office to prepare teeth for crowns that were discussed in the appointment. A dental assistant will take the impression of the opposing arch to establish a bite for the dental laboratory. Since the preparation will go beyond the sensitive tooth to the dental cement, you may need more anesthesia.
  4. Relax as you can while the dentist prepares teeth for crowns. This is done with a diamond tip around in a hand piece high speed is quite involved. Once the preparations are made, the dentist will pack what is called retraction cord, a wire coated with epinephrine placed between the gum and tooth. This will relax the gum and allow the dentist takes an impression of the range where the crown and the tooth will meet.
  5. Allows the dentist to make a final impression using a material called hydrocolloid that starts while hot and cooled in the patient’s mouth. The dentist can also use a printing material called polyvinyl Sloane. This is a putty-like material. Both are good materials to create accurate impressions crowns.
  6. Sit and cooperates while the dentist or dental assistant will place temporary acrylic crowns (that look like real teeth). They will remain in your mouth during the time that passes between the preparation for crowns and placement. The doctor and patient work together to choose the right shade that matches the rest of the teeth.
  7. Returns to the office for placement of crowns. Will surely apply anesthesia, given the depth to which the preparation reaches to the most sensitive portion of the tooth under the gum. The dental assistant will remove the temporary crown and, one at a time, the dentist will test and adjust the crowns. Once you look the way the dentist and the patient want, the wizard will mix the cement and crowns one to one will be placed. Once the cement has dried, the excess will be removed from outside of each crown.
  8. Take the mirror you get and take a good look at your new crowns. They have built a bit between the teeth to occupy the space previously taken by the recession showing an unattractive portion of the teeth underneath. These crowns extend down into the tooth, creating a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Composite resin fillings to hide the recession 

  1. It allows the dentist or his assistant take x-rays of the teeth to control the recession and bone. The recession that exposes the dental cement can be painful, but not always warrants therapy crowns. In many cases of recession due to wear on the toothbrush, the area sees ax marks on the teeth. The dentist will suggest fillings composite resin to fill these areas to be less conductive of heat and cold and reduce discomfort.
  2. It allows me to give anesthesia in the teeth involved. This will make the treatment much less difficult and minimize painful reaction to cold. A hand piece made of various high-speed lathes will be used to prepare the marks of erosion. An acid etching agent will be used to open the pores and to scrape a little area to receive the filling. After the acid etching is rinsed, the tooth is ready.
  3. Keep your mouth open while dentist covers the tooth with a bonding agent that will help sustain fillings. The bonding agent is hardened with a UV lamp. The patient should not look directly at it because it can cause eye damage. Once membership is complete, the dentist will use a drill to shape and polish the new fillings that should be mixed with natural teeth.
  4. Listen to the dentist when you keep these restorations indicate how not to end up in the same condition they were in. They require special care to ensure a long service life. With any of these treatments, areas of recession again if new habits are formed.

How to remove stains from dentures

Like the teeth common, prostheses dental should be cleaned and rinsed daily to remove particles of food and prevent stains from drinks, food or nicotine. False teeth need special cleaners that are different to toothpaste. Most modern are made of plastic, porcelain and acrylic. These materials are porous and have to stain easily with common foods so you should be alert to remove stains.

Instructions :

  1. Rinse the dentures with water after every meal or drink to prevent particles settle on them and smearing.
  2. Clean dentures twice a day with a specific brush it and denture cleaner. If your kit does not include a brush, use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Anything else may scratch the surface of the prosthesis. You can also use liquid dish soap or a mild cleaner habit instead. Squeeze a small amount of soap or cleanser on the brush, dip it in warm water and rub false teeth, concentrating on the areas between the teeth and food particles visible.
  3. Put your dentures every night soak. Place an effervescent tablet into a glass of water (the amount can vary depending on the brand of the product to soak the dentures) and leaves the prosthesis in the solution overnight. If your denture has metal accessories, do not use a product containing chlorine as it can stain the metal. In the morning, rinse dentures with water before placing it in your mouth.
  4. Soaking the denture in a solution with vinegar and baking soda once a month to get rid of stubborn stains. Mix one cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of baking. Leave denture soak in the mixture for five minutes. Add more vinegar if necessary to ensure that the liquid completely covers the teeth. Remove it from the product and rub with a brush for dentures. Rinse with warm water.

How to make a temporary dental crown

A temporary crown is a coverage provisionally cemented onto a tooth prepared for a final single or a tooth in a fixed bridge support crown. The patient wears a temporary crown while the laboratory dental creates the permanent crown or bridge.

The temporary crown maintains the functionality of the prepared tooth and retains its aesthetic appearance, reducing discomfort and preventing the teeth surrounding move, according to the book “Modern dental treatment Torres and Ehrlich”.

Instructions : 

Make a temporary crown

  1. Mix alginate material, fill the tray and print bow takes the patient’s tooth that needs a temporary crown before brewing. Once the dentist prepares the tooth, put cotton rolls around it to keep control of moisture and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on it.
  2. Put the liquid self-curing resin in a mixing bowl (10 drops per unit recommended). Quickly dispenses the appropriate amount of self-curing small dust in the liquid until it is saturated, and stir with a small spatula.
  3. Leave the mixture aside for one or two minutes until the resin achieves a dough consistency. Gently dry the area on the alginate impression of the tooth that will receive the temporary crown. Remove resin mixing bowl with spatula and Place it in the area of the prepared tooth on the alginate impression.
  4. Put filled acrylic printing again in the patient’s mouth the prepared tooth, and the tray removed after approximately three minutes. Carefully remove the temporary crown alginate impression and set it on the patient’s tooth.
  5. Marks the marginal edge (edge of the gum around the tooth) and the contact points of the temporary crown with a pencil. Cut the acrylic resin crown 1 mm shoulder tooth preparation with an acrylic bur in a hand piece low speed.
  6. Verify that the temporary crown fits well to the patient’s mouth, and adjust it if necessary. He wears the crown to the laboratory, and paella with a white cloth sterilized wheel and pumice on a lathe laboratory.
  7. Transiently crown cemented with zinc oxide eugenic or intermediate restorative material. Check that the crown fits properly with an articulated paper; if necessary, the dentist will have to reduce the size with a cutter to cut acrylic.

Tips & Warnings :

  • After taking the alginate impression, desinféctala and keep it moist until it is needed to prevent drying and deformed.
  • Do not let the mixture vulcanize acrylic resin within a period of one or two minutes or will become very difficult to use.
  • Cover the container-curing acrylic resin liquid immediately after use because it can be easily evaporated and is very explosive.