How to make a temporary dental crown

A temporary crown is a coverage provisionally cemented onto a tooth prepared for a final single or a tooth in a fixed bridge support crown. The patient wears a temporary crown while the laboratory dental creates the permanent crown or bridge.

The temporary crown maintains the functionality of the prepared tooth and retains its aesthetic appearance, reducing discomfort and preventing the teeth surrounding move, according to the book “Modern dental treatment Torres and Ehrlich”.

Instructions : 

Make a temporary crown

  1. Mix alginate material, fill the tray and print bow takes the patient’s tooth that needs a temporary crown before brewing. Once the dentist prepares the tooth, put cotton rolls around it to keep control of moisture and apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on it.
  2. Put the liquid self-curing resin in a mixing bowl (10 drops per unit recommended). Quickly dispenses the appropriate amount of self-curing small dust in the liquid until it is saturated, and stir with a small spatula.
  3. Leave the mixture aside for one or two minutes until the resin achieves a dough consistency. Gently dry the area on the alginate impression of the tooth that will receive the temporary crown. Remove resin mixing bowl with spatula and Place it in the area of the prepared tooth on the alginate impression.
  4. Put filled acrylic printing again in the patient’s mouth the prepared tooth, and the tray removed after approximately three minutes. Carefully remove the temporary crown alginate impression and set it on the patient’s tooth.
  5. Marks the marginal edge (edge of the gum around the tooth) and the contact points of the temporary crown with a pencil. Cut the acrylic resin crown 1 mm shoulder tooth preparation with an acrylic bur in a hand piece low speed.
  6. Verify that the temporary crown fits well to the patient’s mouth, and adjust it if necessary. He wears the crown to the laboratory, and paella with a white cloth sterilized wheel and pumice on a lathe laboratory.
  7. Transiently crown cemented with zinc oxide eugenic or intermediate restorative material. Check that the crown fits properly with an articulated paper; if necessary, the dentist will have to reduce the size with a cutter to cut acrylic.

Tips & Warnings :

  • After taking the alginate impression, desinféctala and keep it moist until it is needed to prevent drying and deformed.
  • Do not let the mixture vulcanize acrylic resin within a period of one or two minutes or will become very difficult to use.
  • Cover the container-curing acrylic resin liquid immediately after use because it can be easily evaporated and is very explosive.