How to cure inflamed gums

The type of cure you find to inflamed gums depend largely on the origin of the condition. There are both homeopathic remedies as doctors for inflammation of the gums. Consult a dentist if you suffer gum inflammation to discover the root of the problem and determine the best treatment possible. Along with the swelling, the patient may experience discomfort and redness.

Instructions : 

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of water salty. Add a tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water and stir the mixture well. Distributes water for the inside of your mouth for several minutes and then spit it out. Repeat the process several times a day to temporarily cure inflammation of your gums.
  2. Try lemon juice as a potential remedy for inflamed gums. Squeeze the juice of one whole lemon into a glass filled with warm water. Rinse mouth with this solution for several minutes two or three times a day.
  3. Floss regularly. If you do not clean your teeth with floss after eating some food debris be trapped between your teeth and produce gingivitis, a dental condition that causes inflammation and bleeding gums.
  4. Take a daily vitamin supplement. Inflamed gums can result from a lack of vitamin C, folic acid or iron. Looking for a multivitamin containing these vitamins and minerals.
  5. Massage your gums. Another remedy for swollen gums is to massage them gently with a cotton swab or digital gum massager. Performing the massage for at least five minutes each day to improve blood flow in the area.
  6. Opt for a homeopathic remedy. Acquires proposes extract in an herbalist and applies a full dropper into your mouth. Store substance in the mouth for at least one minute before rinsing with water.