Recipe for a household cleaner dentures

Commercial cleaner’s prosthetic dental can be expensive, and many of them have mysterious ingredients. A cleaner home remove all your worries as you would control the ingredients and price. As a bonus, you can get rid of unsightly stains of nicotine, food, soft drinks, tea or coffee and disinfect your prosthetic tooth. You can find the ingredients for a cleaner home safe and suitable for everyday use in the pantry of your kitchen.

Instructions : 

  1. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup or clean container.
  2. Carefully place the denture in the cup or container.
  3. Recipe for a household cleaner dentures
  4. Place the bowl in a safe place, and allowed to stand overnight prosthesis.
  5. Remove the denture and rinse under running warm water for two minutes.
  6. Brush your teeth as you normally do with a denture brush or soft toothbrush. Do it in a circular motion, once you apply the toothpaste on the brush. Brush the outside of the prosthesis and the inner surface remains against the gums.

Tips & Warnings :

  • The prostheses can be slippery. Leave them in a cup or other container to prevent them from falling to the ground.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling dentures to prevent the spread of germs. Use disposable gloves if you prefer.
  • Rinse dentures after every meal to keep it clean, and cepíllala three times a day.
  • Before putting the prosthesis back into your mouth, brush your gums and tongue.
  • Prostheses with metal parts must be cleaned carefully, because the cleaners could weaken or corrode the material of these. Never let soak dentures with metal.