Common Dental Problems in Teens

Some habits among adolescents, such as smoking, maintaining a poor diet or poor oral hygiene, cause oral diseases that should not be present at such an early age. Below we summarize the most frequent oral problems in adolescents and their corresponding treatment.

Periodontal problems hormonal changes and

Hormonal changes of puberty may increase the risk of juvenile periodontitis, an infectious disease characteristic of adolescence that can occur generalized or localized form. Its early detection is the best way to prevent the loss of dental pieces.

Misaligned teeth

Is very common for adolescent’s present dental malocclusion, also known as crowding. This problem affects the smile and makes oral hygiene difficult, and may even alter the postural and corporal development of the adolescent. Looking for a beautiful smile is possible with an early detection of the problem and an effective treatment thanks to an orthodontics.

Broken teeth or partial

Practice contact sports or extreme can cause broken teeth. For this reason, it is recommended to use mouth guards that protect the teeth from possible impacts.

On the other hand, the tensions of puberty cause physiological reactions such as tightening the teeth (bruxism) that can cause pain.

Oral piercings wear

Most people do not know how piercings can affect your oral health. The puncture wound can lead to oral infections, bleeding, irritation and retraction of the gums. They can also damage old fillings or cause difficulty in speaking clearly and eating.

Dental erosion

Teens generally do not usually lead a balanced diet and tend to consume more sugary and acidic drinks can erode the teeth over time. This enamel erosion exposes the dentin, causing sensitivity and pain with food and cold beverages.

How do you convince teenagers that caring for your mouth is important?

Most teenagers who brush their teeth do so to avoid both visible dirt and bad breath, not by avoiding cavities or gum problems. Encouraging them to have healthy teeth to show off a beautiful smile and so have more confidence and self – esteem, we will help them acquire the necessary habits for proper dental care.