Tobacco, a great enemy of dental health

Every year, tobacco causes millions of deaths in the world, being the second world cause of death, after hypertension.

Although the lung problems caused by nicotine are the central concern of doctors and public opinion, tobacco has other very negaive consequences for the rest of our body, including our dental health.

The effects of tobacco in our mouth are innumerable, being the most serious oral cancer, as it is a potentially fatal disease. However, there are other consequences not so serious, but which can be very annoying and harmful to health. And is that the snuff causes a wide range of harmful effects on the teeth, starting with small cosmetic changes to some more serious diseases, such as cancer of the mouth or esophagus, which have a mortality of 50% at 4-5 years. If smoking is added to the consumption of alcohol, the negative effects are much more devastating.

In addition to changing the color of our teeth, the toxic substances present in tobacco cause the tooth enamel to crystallize and become more fragile, facilitating the appearance of decay and contributing to the demineralization of teeth by killing their organic components.

Recent studies also show that smoking can cause periodontitis, a chronic and irreversible disease that affects the gums and the parts responsible for supporting the teeth.