The relationship between dental health and sports

There is a clear relationship between oral health and sports injuries. Despite this, many athletes do not always consider dental problems as a priority and do not perform periodic check-ups. If you practice a sport continuously, you will be interested to know that the health of your mouth can greatly affect your performance.

Frequent problems in athletes

The infections or bacteria that are in our mouth are related to muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. Bacterial plaque is causing heart problems, because it can cause blood clots to come into contact with blood flow.

On the other hand, periodontitis or severe infection of the gums also hinders the healing of joint and muscle injuries and may even cause its appearance.

But without a doubt, one of the main enemies of dental health is decay. In the specific case of athletes, their appearance is due to several factors: mouth breathing, competitive stress, dehydration that reduces salivation and, above all, the consumption of juices, smoothies, sweetened and isotonic drinks.

The main problem of all these complications and oral diseases is asthenia. Bacteria reach muscles and joints and produce loss of tone, muscle fatigue or joint inflammation.

Another major dental problem that causes discomfort and pain to athletes has to do with dental malocclusions. In fact, incorrect mastication is the cause of 30% of the back and neck pains suffered by athletes and also causes balance problems.

In addition, athletes are subject to a constant competitive tension that encourages the appearance of bruxism. It is very common in them this habit to clench and grind their teeth and causes them numerous dental and physical problems in the medium and long term. Between them, tooth wear occurs, cracks appear, dental fractures and also dental hypersensitivity. Bruxism also promotes the appearance of muscular contractures in the head and neck, which makes it difficult to effectively perform practically any sport.

Periodic reviews are the key

The prevention and the greater control of oral health in athletes form the solution to these problems. Both for greater control of the diet and for the prevention of muscular complications and sports injuries in general. In fact, a deep dental revision before starting a sport activity allows optimizing the performance and knowing the general health status of the athlete. As with other health controls, sports professionals must undergo frequent dental checks to ensure optimum performance and health.