Sensitive teeth: they might be trying to tell you something

Often the pain in the teeth or teeth may be caused by sensitivity, and this issue is not less, because it could be a warning sign of something more serious. Then we’ll tell you more about this disease so you know what could be due and which solutions exist to fight tooth sensitivity are.


If you feel a sharp, sudden pain when you eat certain foods or extreme temperature changes in the mouth, then you most likely have a problem of sensitivity, also called dentin hypersensitivity. This pain is caused when the enamel of our teeth wear and dentin is exposed right at the gum line; Dentin is a relatively soft material that helps support the tooth, and contains thousands of tiny tubules or channels leading to the nerves of the tooth, when not covered by hard enamel layer or the protective barrier formed by the gums The tubes in the dentin allow stimuli (hot, cold, sweet, pressure, etc.) to reach the nerve. This stimulation of the nerve is causing pain or irritation of the teeth. That’s why when the gums begin to recede exposed dentin, causing pain when eating hot or cold foods, or even sweet, sour or spicy foods.

Tooth sensitivity can be very uncomfortable, and can start at any moment, causing severe pain in one or more teeth. Usually people suffer more sensitivity in the front teeth, although there are many others who also experience pain in the molars. While the sensitivity is a problem in itself, could also be accusing other more serious health problems, problems that could dismiss or affirm a checkup with the dentist, who can also give you some tips to prevent tooth sensitivity.


Tooth sensitivity can be caused by several factors, and then we will tell you the most common and the solutions that exist for each of them.

  • Brushing too hard teeth: change your toothbrush with soft bristles one and exerts less pressure when brushing.
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth at night (bruxism): the specialist will examine your bite, you could send concoct a plan of relaxation for you to use during the night, and could teach some relaxation exercises before bedtime.
  • Gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) and inflamed gums pull away from the teeth, discovering the root of the tooth. The best way to avoid these diseases is brushing, flossing and dental cleanings by recursively. If the disease is advanced it is important to root cleaning.
  • Presence of decay: ask your dentist to develop a treatment plan to combat tooth decay .
  • Cracks in the teeth, the dentist should evaluate chipped or cracked teeth to make a treatment plan, dealing with this problem before it gets worse.
  • Excess plate: the accumulation of end plate causes the enamel to wear. Cleaning program and then develops a routine dental health to prevent plaque buildup. Your dentist may recommend a special toothpaste or mouthwash.
  • Type of diet: foods like tea, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, etc. have a high acid content, promoting enamel erosion. Limit consumption of these foods, or followed by consumption drink a glass of water to help flush the acid.
  • Recent dental procedure: it is common to have tooth sensitivity after some dental procedures, including routine. If sensitivity persists for more than 4-6 weeks after dental treatment, talk to your dentist.
  • Whitening teeth: the teeth whitening products, especially those kits that are purchased in pharmacies or whitening toothpastes may contain chemicals that are too strong for some patients. Before purchasing any of these products visit a dentist, so you know which ones are the safest and could cause less irritation.

If these solutions do not solve your problem, your dentist may prescribe a toothpaste that help desensitize, or could schedule a fluoride gel application in the query, which helps strengthen enamel and reduces the annoying symptoms of sensitivity .

Remember to control yourself every 6 months maximum with a specialist, so you can prevent oral diseases or fight them on time.

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