Metals used in dental crowns

When the deterioration has left a weakened or deformed tooth, a crown dental can help restore strength. Created to fit its surface or to cover the tooth, a crown can come on a permanent or temporary and can be made of a variety of substances.

Metal alloys

Made of a combination of metal to provide strength to the tooth, metal crowns can be a mixture of gold, palladium, nickel or chromium, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Metal crowns are very hardy and can withstand significant amount of chewing and biting, making them ideal to fit the teeth later. The main drawback with this type of crown is colored, so it may not be viable for the most visible teeth.

Porcelain fused to metal

Created in order to harness the strength of a metal crown with a porcelain appearance, melting the metal and porcelain is not as durable as a metal crown. While this element can be a lot like a normal tooth, the metal part can also create a visible line. For this reason, the material of the crown is better to cover means or posterior teeth.

Fully made of resin

Molded to match the above tooth shape, the resin has the appearance of a natural tooth. Another benefit is that this type of material tends to be less expensive than metal or porcelain fused to metal crowns. However, a crown entirely made of resin is more likely to break easily and may not last long.

Entirely made of ceramic or porcelain

These types of crowns provide the best color to match the front teeth. Since they are not made of metal, those with sensitivity to certain metals may experience greater long-term wear this type of crown. Because not have the benefits of strength and durability of metal crowns made entirely ceramic or resin can wear out over time and need to be replaced more frequently than the metal alloys.


Sometimes a dentist may have to put a temporary crown to protect the tooth while doing permanent. In this circumstance, the crown is made of acrylic polymer or stainless steel and is removed when the permanent crown is ready to be installed.