How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

Times to having to go through a surgery oral, but millions of people each year pass through dental surgery; problems such as cavities dental, gingivitis and crowding of the teeth are the three most common reasons that surgery is performed.

The procedure may be uncomfortable, but most include silk anesthesia you temporarily, therefore there is not much pain. The recovery time is the most difficult and painful. You can speed up that time by following procedures cleaning right, eating right and avoiding contact with specific parts of the mouth.


Measure 8 ounces of water in a jar of coffee. Place water in the microwave on high temperature for 30 seconds

How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

Gargle salt water once every morning, after every meal and once before bedtime. Gargling reduce the pain associated with dental caries and gum inflammation.

Avoid placing the tongue or fingers on the tooth and the side of the mouth where the surgery was done. If you play consistently will produce a lot of swelling and irritation in the gums and the tooth, and can take longer to recover.

How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

Check proceed with normal dental care 24 hours after surgery. This includes brushing teeth with a soft toothbrush and flossing.

How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

When brushing your teeth, it is advisable to use a soft brush to not irritate the gums and cause pain in the mouth. Avoid brushing the teeth and the side of the mouth that have been operated. Depending on the surgery, a crown, filling or implant can be displaced by movement and excessive pressure.

How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

When flossing, avoid doing in the tooth operated. If food remains between the teeth, you can floss placing on one side of the tooth and pulling the thread through the other side of the tooth.

How to accelerate healing after dental surgery

Eat soft like oatmeal, mashed potatoes, yogurt and puddings for three days meals is advisable for traversing oral surgery. These foods require little chewed and not agitate the tooth or mouth.

Tips & Warnings

  • Drink any fruit juice other than orange; the acid present in the juice can irritate the gum and tooth operated.
  • Do not use a back and forth motion to floss; this may cause bleeding and displacement of the tooth crown, filling, or implant. If you bleed for more than 20 minutes, check with your local orthodontist. This may indicate an infection or blood clots. If swelling persists after three days consult with your orthodontist; this may indicate serious medical problems. Inflammation is common after dental surgery, but should improve after two days. Leave the hot contents in the microwave for 3 minutes to cool before eating. If this fails you can burn your mouth and fingers.