Blows to the teeth

It is common to suffer blows to the teeth throughout our lives. These accidents can occur for a huge number of causes. This range from everyday accidents such as falling in the street, auto accidents, contact sports, and many more. While children are particularly likely to suffer strokes, because they usually walk away without paying much attention where to go, adults did not stay away from these accidents.

When dental injuries are suffered, the tooth may chip, or scroll shaft biting difficult to soft things. To limit the damage they could cause accidents, it is important to know what steps to take if you suffer a dental injury. And it’s also really important to prevent these accidents do not happen so easily.


The first step is to try to minimize the risk of dental injury. Obviously, like most dental injuries occur as a result of unexpected accidents, it may be difficult to avoid, since no one can predict the future. However, if you know you will be in a dangerous scenario, it would be prudent to take all appropriate steps to protect themselves.

For example, if you play a sport like rugby, boxing or anything else that involves rigorous physical contact and which in turn implies the risk of getting hit in the mouth, I always recommend using a mouth guard.

What to do if you suffer a blow to your teeth?

What you should do if you suffer a blow to your tooth, absolutely depend on how the injury. In fact in some cases, you may even have to do something, such as when a child loses a baby tooth due to a blow, in most cases, the dentist will not recommend replacing it, because it could clog the output of the final tooth, anyway, what is essential is that this decision is made in conjunction with a specialist. On the other hand, if the tooth in question is a definitive piece itself will need to act quickly.

The first thing to determine is the severity of the injury, for example, if the blow causes the person becomes unconscious or cause heavy bleeding, the first thing you should do is go to an emergency, and then deal with the teeth that they can be damaged.

Conversely, if the gravity is not so, and are only damaged one or more teeth, try to take an hour as soon as possible with a dentist, or resort to a dental clinic to treat emergencies, if the accident to have occurred week or a holiday.

If the tooth has fallen, but is integer, the first thing to do is “replantation” where he was; but before doing this you should make sure it is clean, if not well you can clean it in milk or saline, in this procedure should only be rinse the tooth, do not rub it. If you could put the tooth in place, you can do a little bit of pressure biting a cotton swab or clean handkerchief, so that way it stays in place. If for some reason you cannot put the tooth in place, you could keep it in milk or inside the mouth between the gum and cheek, making sure I swallow.

If the tooth is broken, do not even try to put it back in your mouth, just put it in a cup of milk or saliva, and tries to go as soon as possible to the dentist. The consultation will surely seek specialist replant the tooth, and for that need dental splint or temporary bridle for the tooth stays in place while it heals.

It is likely that the dentist need an x-ray to see if the tooth fragments remain trapped in the gum, other teeth or lips. In some cases, a piece of tooth can reach the airways and can cause trouble breathing, if so, would have to go immediately to the hospital.

Chipped tooth

If the coup tooth is not removed but only chips, appropriate treatment will vary according to the severity of the damage. If it is only a small loss, chances are that the dentist fills a tooth-colored material, and it is ready. However, if the loss corresponds to a larger piece may impact the pulp that is at the center of the tooth, and is the probability that the tooth dies increases. If this happens, the tooth will have to be subjected to a root canal.

Root broken

The roots may be damaged after a stroke without us noticing at first sight of this, the only option using radiographs. If the pulp inside the tooth stays healthy and tooth remains strong, probably not necessary to do something, and only should be evaluated periodically to ensure that no adverse development. On the other hand, if the tooth is released, you must use the same procedure as described above.

These are the most common injuries after accidents that hit the teeth. However, there are times when the tooth cannot be saved and must resort to an implant to restore the lost harmony. On the other hand, after any dental injury is important to continue monitoring dyeing or bleaching of the damaged tooth, the pulp may die after the accident.

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